Friday, November 11, 2011

In which I ponder spelunking. And I don't mean in caves.

I mean spelunking as in "Hey, KLynnRN! Wanna go spelunking with me on this new patient?"
I mean foley catheter insertion on obese people. Ladies in particular (but I've donea good cave diving on a male).

It's really an art. Almost a recreational sport, like the real thing. The similarities are eery.

1. You need to train for such ordeals. You can't just go traipsing through the deepest, darkest cave if you've never done it before. You might not recognize landmarks. And you could get lost. Spelunking is not for newbies. You should attempt smaller caves to hone your skills first.

2. Equipment is vital. You can't just grab some rope and a backpack and trek into unknown territory. You need to set up your tools. You need to know what all your tools are for. And grab a flashlight. You will always need a flashlight.

3. Don't go solo. You know that movie where the guys hand gets stuck under a rock, and he didn't tell anyone where he was going? Same thing. Don't assume it will be a typical experience. Let your coworkers know where you'll be. If fact, recruit a few helpers. You'll probably need it.

4. Be prepared mentally. Spelunking is not for the faint-hearted. You may see things that will haunt your dreams. You make smell odors that will ruin your lunch. You could have a cave-in rendering you trapped and claustrophobia may set it. Consider these things before beginning. Prepare yourself.

5. The finale. When all is said and done, and the legs are propped and the belly flop is held back, and XXL lady parts are parted like the Red Sea, you peer into the unknown. You see a little wink. Like the light at the end of the tunnel. You head for it. Liquid gold bursts forth and you've made it out of the cave to daylight!

Don't forget to wash your hands :)

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