ICU does things to people.
Whether it's all the beeps, bells, and whistles. Or being tied down to a bed in an unfamiliar place with tubes sticking out of every orifice. Or the fact that you are not getting your normal dosage of [insert abused substance here]. Or a combination of all three.
One thing is for sure: if you're in intensive care for more than a few days, you will at some point lose your head.
Now, I'm used to the obscenity-screaming and boogie-spitting and bed-thrashing. As long as four point restraints are involved the insanity is quite funny. But the simultaneous outbreak I experienced recently was particularly hilarious!
Four out of fifteen patients went bonkers at 1845. We are all sitting around, waiting for night shift to roll through the door rubbing their sleepy eyes, and we hear a call from one end of the unit.
Mr. DKA is moo-ing.
Then from the other end.
"Baaa. Baaaa. Baaa. Baaa. HHHeellLLLp MMmee!!" (just imagine a goat screaming for help)
That's Mrs. Schizo whose been off her meds.
"Meow wink wink meow wink wink."
MS Contin addict whose was alert and oriented five minutes ago thinks he a cat.
So, the unit turned into Old MacDonald's Farm. Then I ran home as soon as report was finished.
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