...can only be described as a cluster-f*ck. A huge one. Starting at 0700.
Census looks a little something like this in my little 15 bed unit:
-Two patients are royally dubbed 1:1 since once is on CRRT and the other is GI-bleeding-out faster than we can get blood in her.
-I have three patients, one of which is old as dirt and demented who is a post-op hip in Afib-RVR. Who is also trying to get up.
-ANM/Charge has two patients from the get-go meaning no help for me or anyone else.
-We have no admitting power and five open beds.
Ring. Ring. (house sup. is on the phone) "We've got another one coming for you."
All of us simultaneously, "Who the F*CK is going to take her?!"
ANM drops what she's doing and gets on the phone. She looks small and has a squeaky voice but a feral look in her eyes.
"I don't care who you send. Send Resource. Send the director. But don't you DARE send that patient until you send help first." Click.
Relief that was supposedly non-existent five minutes ago is walking through the door.
Nurses take care of their patients. Managers take care of their nurses. Kudos ANM, we are lucky to have you!